Monday, October 5, 2009

Tips for Writing a Travel Nurse Resume

When writing a travel nurse resume, it’s important to catch the recruiter’s attention right away. This will boost your chances of landing travel nurse employment.

Tailor your resumes to the medical specialty. For example, if the position will be in a pediatric or oncology unit, rewrite your resume to include skills specific to this area. This will avoid getting your resume dumped into the “unqualified” pile because your skills aren’t a good match.

Create a highlights section. When a travel nurse recruiter reviews a resume, they often make decisions in this section. For this reason, it’s important to include your most impressive accomplishments in the first couple paragraphs. This will entice the recruiter to read further.

Partner with a staffing agency. Clinical One specializes in placing travel nurses. They can help match you with employers and ensure your resume is up to par.

For more information, visit our website at

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